Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Nativity by the Adams Family

The Garcia's made a great Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus while Amber, Trenton and I were the three Wise Men.  Samara and Grandma made the cutest little sheep.  Rissy, and Kara were angels with the help of Josh.  Ty was a little cow and Ehtan was a horse being led by the shepherd Josh.  Dad was the narrator.  It was a sweet time.  

1 comment:

Jen said...

Love the Nativity scenes! All the kiddos are so cute! You have to send me the picture you took of us at the bowling alley!! Your girls are so great. We need to get together soon! We are only 1.5 hrs apart now! I need your cell number! Email me! djhoneyball@gmail.com!
Love you!